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Conducting a systematic evaluation of genetic tests

How health plans can make informed coverage decisions

Quest Diagnostics - Systematic evaluation of genetic tests

New genetic tests enter the market every day, often without clinical and economic evidence to support their use. As a result, health plans are unlikely to extend coverage, and providers are less likely to order the tests. Thus, the success of precision medicine will be determined, in part, by health plan coverage decisions.

Download this white paper to:

  • Review genetic and genomic test evaluation frameworks
  • Learn more about ways in which health plans can expand the effective clinical use of genetic testing, while controlling costs
  • Find out how collaborating with a lab service provider can help your health plan ensure analytical validity, assess clinical validity, and guide provider ordering based on clinical utility

Make informed genetic testing coverage decisions—read “Systematic evaluation of genetic tests: finding the intersection of analytic validity, clinical validity, and clinical utility.”

Evaluate the validity and utility of genetic tests—for better coverage decisions.

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